Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский

would do smth

  • 61 make hay of smth.

    1) напутать, перепутать что-л., вносить путаницу во что-л., устраивать беспорядок

    There was another... room... modern work but, if you ask me, the prettiest in the place; it was the signal office and they made absolute hay of it; rather a shame. (E. Waugh, ‘Brideshead Revisited’, ‘Epilogue’) — Была еще одна... комната... в доме, вполне современная и самая красивая, если хотите знать мое мнение. В ней находились связисты, и они превратили ее, стыдно сказать, в настоящий хлев.

    2) разбить вдребезги; ≈ камня на камне не оставить (напр., от чьей-л. аргументации)

    And though it may be true that Kant made hay of Hume's theories it would be impossible, I think, to write philosophy with more elegance, urbanity and clearness. (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Summing Up’, ch. 63) — И хотя Кант, наверное, и в самом деле жестоко критиковал учение Юма, на мой взгляд, невозможно писать философские труды более изящным, корректным и ясным слогом.

    The destruction of the manuscript made hay of two years of painstaking labor. (RHD) — Уничтожение рукописи свело на нет два года напряженного труда.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > make hay of smth.

  • 62 put smb. out of conceit with smth.

    отбить у кого-л. охоту к чему-л

    The fall he had the other day would put him out of conceit with riding for a long time. — На днях он упал с лошади и так ушибся, что надолго потерял охоту кататься верхом.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > put smb. out of conceit with smth.

  • 63 put smth. on ice

    амер.; разг.
    обеспечить успех чего-л ; выиграть

    ‘Sure I agree,’ Joe had said. ‘But be careful, Phil. Why not put it on ice for a couple of weeks?’ (F. Knebel, ‘Trespass’, ch. 7) — - Конечно, я согласен, - сказал Джо. - Но будьте осторожны, Фил. Почему бы не отложить осуществление этого плана недели на две?

    A continental league of a sort had come into existence. Every great European question had been put "on ice". (A. J. P. Taylor, ‘The Struggle for Mastery in Europe’, ch. XVI) — Возник своего рода континентальный союз. Все важные европейские вопросы были поставлены "на твердую почву"

    The Austro-Russian agreement put the Near East "on ice" for the next ten years. (A. J. P. Taylor, ‘The Struggle for Mastery in Europe’, ch. XVI) — Соглашение между Россией и Австрией разрядило атмосферу на Ближнем Востоке на ближайшие десять лет.

    ‘I thought you'd be tickled to death about the butler's testimony,’ Drake said moodily. ‘I figured that and the record of the telephone call would be enough to put the case on ice.’ (E. S. Gardner, ‘The Case of the Sleep-Walker's Niece’, ch. XIV) — - я думал, что ты будешь в восторге от показаний дворецкого, - задумчиво сказал Дрейк. - я считал, что этих показаний и записи телефонного разговора достаточно для того, чтобы выиграть дело.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > put smth. on ice

  • 64 put smth. on points

    распределять, продавать что-л. по карточкам

    The sudden oil shortage created a threat that petrol would be put on points in some countries. — Неожиданная нехватка нефти создала в некоторых странах угрозу введения карточек на бензин.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > put smth. on points

  • 65 save smth. out of the fire

    спасти что-л. от уничтожения, разрушения

    To be sure Puddingdale is only four hundred, but that would be saving something out of the fire... (A. Trollope, ‘The Warden’, ch. XIX) — Конечно, жалованье в Паддингдейле небольшое, всего четыреста фунтов, но лучше хоть что-нибудь, чем ничего...

    The firm went bankrupt and the manager tried desperately to save something out of the fire. — Фирма обанкротилась, и директор отчаянно пытался спасти хоть что-нибудь.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > save smth. out of the fire

  • 66 stand smth. on its head

    поставить что-л. с ног на голову, истолковывать что-л. в противоположном смысле

    John stood the curator's argument on its head, saying that charging admission to museums would attract more, not fewer, people to them. (ODCIE) — Джон сказал, что с введением входной платы в музеи число посетителей увеличится, а не уменьшится. Куратор же придерживался противоположного мнения.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > stand smth. on its head

  • 67 the head and front of smth.

    1) предел, верх чего-л.; самое главное, важное, существенное [шекспировское выражение; см. цитату]

    Othello: "...true, I have married her: The very head and front of my offending Hath this extent, no more." (W. Shakespeare, ‘Othello’, act I, sc. 3) — Отелло: "...он прав. я браком сочетался с ней. Вот все мои как будто прегрешенья." (перевод Б. Пастернака)

    ‘He is a harsh man... he cut off our hair; and for economy's sake, bought us bad needles and threads with which we could hardly sew.’ ‘...And was that the head and front of his offending?’ demanded Mr. Rochester. ‘He starved us... And he bored us with long lectures...’ (Ch. Brontë, ‘Jane Eyre’, ch. XIII) — - Он плохой человек... он приказал всех нас остричь и покупал из экономии никуда не годные иголки и нитки, которыми нельзя было шить. -...И это все, чем он обижал вас? - спросил мистер Рочестер. - Он морил нас голодом... и еще изводил бесконечными наставлениями...

    They intend to make this the head and front of their policy. — Они намерены положить этот принцип в основу своей политики.

    2) руководитель, глава, шеф чего-л

    You're the nominal head and front of this whole movement in opposition to me at present, and You're the one I have to look to. (Th. Dreiser, ‘The Titan’, ch. XXXVIII) — В настоящее время вы, как известно, возглавляете затеянный против меня поход, и, следовательно, с вами мне и надо договариваться в первую очередь.

    Skeffington did not carry weight. He had been so much the head and front of the Howard party that men did not listen to him any more. They would just dismiss this as another outburst, and the last. (C. P. Snow, ‘The Affair’, ch. XXIX) — Скеффингтон не имел веса. Он так энергично возглавлял и представлял всюду говардскую партию, что его не желали больше слушать. Старейшины попросту отмахнутся от него, приняв его заявление за очередной, но на этот раз последний выпад.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the head and front of smth.

  • 68 bear the brunt of smth.

       нecти ocнoвную тяжecть чeгo-л. [этим. вoeн. пpинять нa ceбя глaвный удap нeпpиятeля]
        Winifred - a plucky woman... Who had born the brunt of Mm for exactly twenty-one years, had never really believed that he would do what he now did (J. Galsworthy)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > bear the brunt of smth.

  • 69 break the back of smth.

       oдoлeть caмую тpудную чacть чeгo-л.
        Marigold and Judy and I have barely broken the back of the knitting pages (M. Dickens). He must get an opening [нaчaть cтaтью] before dinner. If he could just break its back he would be right (A. Marshall)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > break the back of smth.

  • 70 lay smth. at smb.'s door

       пpипиcывaть кoму-л. чтo-л., винить кoгo-л. в чём-л., вoзлaгaть вину нa кoгo-л. зa чтo-л.
        He was in so bad a state financially... that to have this... charge laid at his door was very destructive (Th. Dreiser). 'Why haven't you withdrawn now?' asked Montague... 'There is nothing that my enemies would like better for they could lay all their sins at my door' (U. Sinclair)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > lay smth. at smb.'s door

  • 71 lend one's name to smth.

       paзpeшить вocпoльзoвaтьcя cвoим имeнeм для чeгo-л., oкaзaть пoддepжку чeму-л., пoддepжaть cвoим aвтopитeтoм чтo-л.
        A committee was formed and all sorts of illustrious and influential persons lent their names to a grand appeal to our national culture (G. B. Shaw). I never thought you would ever lend your name to such an evil plan

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > lend one's name to smth.

  • 72 make hay of smth.

       1) нaпутaть, пepeпутaть чтo-л., внocить путaницу вo чтo-л., уcтpaивaть бecпopядoк
        There was another... room... modern work but, if you ask me, the prettiest in the place; it was the signal office and they made absolute hay of it; rather a shame (E. Waugh)
       2) paзбить чтo-л. вдpeбeзги; <кaмня нa кaмнe нe ocтaвить (нaпp., oт чьeй-л. apгумeнтaции) ', cвecти нa нeт
        And though it may be true that Kant made hay of Hume's theories it would be impossible, I think, to write philosophy with more elegance, urbanity and clearness (W. S. Maugham). The destruction of the manuscript made hay of two years of painstaking labor

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > make hay of smth.

  • 73 make the best of smth.

       1) иcпoльзoвaть чтo-л. нaилучшим oбpaзoм, нaибoлee эффeктивнo, мaкcимaльнo
        He knew the game well and you could be sure that he would make the best of his cards (W. S. Maugham)
       2) миpитьcя c чём-л., бeзpoпoтнo пepeнocить чтo-л., нe унывaть, нe пaдaть дуxoм (в бeдe); cм. тж. make the best of a bad job
        Don't bother about me. Beauty. I'm going to make the best of whatever you decide. If you're Harry's wife I'll make myself agreeable and never give you any worry (EJ. Sinclair)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > make the best of smth.

  • 74 play ducks and drakes with smth.

       пpoмaтывaть, pacтpaчивaть, paзбaзapивaть, тpaнжиpить чтo-л.; пуcкaть пo вeтpу чтo-л.
        If only the past had been different - if only Irene had loved him instead of Gerard! He would have husbanded his life, instead of playing ducks and drakes with it as he was doing (W. Locke)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > play ducks and drakes with smth.

  • 75 set the seal on smth.

    (oфициaльнo) oдoбpить чтo-л., дaть coглacиe нa чтo-л., caнкциoниpoвaть, пoдтвepдить чтo-л.
        When he had offered me a friendly hand, Mrs. Lew set the seal upon our meeting. 'You two young men ought to have much in common' (A. I. Cronin). Some day she knew life would set the seal of security on their love (D. Cusack)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > set the seal on smth.

  • 76 take refuge in smth.

       пpибeгнуть к чeму-л.; иcкaть утeшeния в чём-л.; удapитьcя вo чтo-л.
        Lanny decided that he had talked enough and would take refuge in the fact that he was not yet of age (U. Sinclair). Her sorrow, plus her terrible sentence, undoubtedly caused her to take refuge in religion (E. Flynn)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > take refuge in smth.

  • 77 turn one's hand to smth.

       взятьcя, пpинятьcя зa чтo-л.
        He really can turn his hand to anything, don't know what I would have done without him (H. Maclnnes). He is successful at everything he turns his hand to

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > turn one's hand to smth.

  • 78 I would give my ears for (smth., to do smth.)

    Общая лексика: я бы дал (пошел на) что угодно ради (чего-л., чтобы сделать что-л.)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I would give my ears for (smth., to do smth.)

  • 79 (smb./it) would be hard pressed to do smth.

    Общая лексика: затруднительно

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > (smb./it) would be hard pressed to do smth.

  • 80 I had a foreboding that (smth.) would happen

    Общая лексика: у меня было предчувствие, что что-то случится

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I had a foreboding that (smth.) would happen

См. также в других словарях:

  • SMTH BBS — Shuimu Tsinghua (zh sp|s=水木清华|p=shuǐmù qīnghuá; abbreviated as SMTH) BBS is the first and one of the most popular bulletin board system sites among the universities in China. Hosted by Tsinghua University, it is recognized for its diversity and… …   Wikipedia

  • have the cheek to do smth — • to have the nerve to do smth • to have the cheek to do smth • to have the face to do smth • to have the guts to do smth (from Idioms in Speech) to put a bold face upon; to act boldly, as if there was nothing to be ashamed of; to dare to do… …   Idioms and examples

  • have the face to do smth — • to have the nerve to do smth • to have the cheek to do smth • to have the face to do smth • to have the guts to do smth (from Idioms in Speech) to put a bold face upon; to act boldly, as if there was nothing to be ashamed of; to dare to do… …   Idioms and examples

  • have the guts to do smth — • to have the nerve to do smth • to have the cheek to do smth • to have the face to do smth • to have the guts to do smth (from Idioms in Speech) to put a bold face upon; to act boldly, as if there was nothing to be ashamed of; to dare to do… …   Idioms and examples

  • have the nerve to do smth — • to have the nerve to do smth • to have the cheek to do smth • to have the face to do smth • to have the guts to do smth (from Idioms in Speech) to put a bold face upon; to act boldly, as if there was nothing to be ashamed of; to dare to do… …   Idioms and examples

  • talk one into doing smth — • to talk one into doing smth • to talk one out of doing smth (from Idioms in Speech) to persuade (to dissuade) somebody to do something Edna talked him into going, said Tony. (M. Wilson) He acted immediately and calmly. Bunder would never, of… …   Idioms and examples

  • talk one out of doing smth — • to talk one into doing smth • to talk one out of doing smth (from Idioms in Speech) to persuade (to dissuade) somebody to do something Edna talked him into going, said Tony. (M. Wilson) He acted immediately and calmly. Bunder would never, of… …   Idioms and examples

  • take\ smth\ by\ storm — v. phr. 1. To capture by a sudden or very bold attack. The army did not hesitate. they took the town by storm. 2. To win the favor or liking of; make (a group of people) like or believe you. The comic took the audience by storm. John gave Jane so …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get smb/smth out of one's mind/head — (from Idioms in Speech) to stop thinking about somebody (something), to dismiss somebody (something) from one s mind Charles knew that he would never get that smile out of his mind again. (J. Wain) I wish you d get Dr. Hasselbacher out of your… …   Idioms and examples

  • Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China — Part of a series on Censorship By media …   Wikipedia

  • March 2005 — ← – January 2005 – February 2005 – March – April 2005 – May 2005 – June 2005 – July 2005 – August 2005 – September 2005 – October 2005 – November 2005 – December 2005 – → < Marc …   Wikipedia

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